Okay, so yeah, I will be hitting the big 40 in 2 years (if the Lord lets me live to see it) and there are some things that I know that I should be doing as an adult. We are all guilty in thinking that we can get by with some things and then that guilty conscious comes in and just makes you feel like, ugh why did I do that (in my Steve Urkel voice). Raise your hand if you had a list of things to do by this age and you have NOT done them yet.

Don't worry, you are not alone. I am right there with you. Now it doesn't have to be anything big or major, but you know the simple things in life to keep us going.
So, I'm listing 20 things that we "should" be doing as an adult.
1. Take vitamins.
2. Exercise regularly.
3. Do a 30-minute meditation daily.
4. Get rid of all old clothes and shoes.
5. Clean out your email.
6. Clean out your voicemail.
7. Establish a Self-Care routine.
8. Stick with your budget daily.
9. Review your calendar and things-to-do list.
10. Speak a positive affirmation over yourself.
11. Review your debt and handle it.
12. Go to bed on time and wake up on time. Try not to snooze.
13. Schedule time with family and friends.
14. Schedule time to just be alone and relax.
15. Drink water, consistently.
16. Clean out the clutter around your house.
17. Read a book that will help you become a better you.
18. Detox from all electronic devices and social media 30 minutes before going to bed.
19. Arrive on time or before time to all scheduled activities, including work.
20. Show gratitude.
I'm personally going to add this to my planner so I can make sure I start doing things that I' supposed to and feel accomplished.
Adulting is not easy but it is something that you can do. I know it's not easy to face the fact that you are an adult but it's okay. We all wish we can go back to the days that we didn't have any bills and not 1 care in the world.
What kinds of adulting stuff do you need to take care of in your life? Is there anything you would add to my list? Do you have an adulting checklist that you go by?
I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments!
