Raise your hand if you think that it is impossible to have a happy life? Raise your hand if you know for sure that you can have a happy life.
First of all, in the first question, if you raise your hand, then you should be ashamed of yourself. In that question, the word impossible is mentioned. But if you break up the word, it reads “I’M POSSIBLE”. Yep, I gotcha on that one.
And, the second question, no one knows anything for sure, but you surely can get things lined up to make it work.
When I say create a happy life, I don’t mean skipping down the road all day every day with a giant smile on your face. This is not the yellow brick road y’all! Come back to reality...lol BUT...you can create a list of habits that will help you create a happy life and keep it going.
I myself am working on this so I’m not going to tell you something that I’m not doing. Sorry, but this is not that type of blog...lol

5 Tips on Creating a Happy Life.
Think Positive all the time. They say don’t see the glass as half empty but see it as half full (or something like that). Thinking positive is going to make you feel good and it will automatically roll off to the next person.
Talk to God. Now this can be done as prayer or just regular talking. God is the BEST PERSON that you can talk to and He won’t tell others what you have told HIm. And He will guide you to the Word (Bible) that is going to back up what He says. It works EVERY TIME!
Digital Detox. Now, to some this may be hard to do. But sometimes social media can be a little bit too much and bring an uncomfortable feeling that can turn negative. Step away from the social media outlets for a few minutes, hours, or maybe even days, to get your mind back on track of positivity.
Get plenty of Rest. We all have the same amount of hours in a day, 24 hours. Well some of us work the majority of those hours. The hours that you are not working, RELAX! Set a night alarm to remind you of your bedtime. I have my phone set at 9:14 pm to remind me that my bedtime is coming up, which is 10:00 pm. I wake up at 6:00 am. That’s my 8 hours. Getting rest will make you feel energized which releases positivity. Being tired and sluggish all the time will make you feel negative and alone.
Have a moment of gratitude everyday. The spirit of being grateful for everything you have will make you appreciate God and the blessings even the more. It only takes a second to think. Trust me, it works.
Extra tip: Take a deep breath when needed. This can also help release any negative vibes that may be in your “space”. Girl, breathe!
Of course, there are more tips, but I wanted to share with you my top 5 that are working for me.
Let me know in the comments if you have some additional tips you would like to share on how to create a happy life.
