So, what does a day in my life looks like? Is it boring? Sometimes, I think it is. Is it empty? Gosh, NO! I have gotten this question on IG, so why not put it in a blog post.

So, here goes.
5:45 am - first alarm goes off and I hit snooze. (Honestly!)
6:00 am - second alarm goes off and I get up
6:05 am - I drink a glass of water and I get to my desk.
6:10 am - My morning meditation time. Just me and God.
(Read my daily scripture; meditate on the scripture; prayer)
6:35 am - Review planner for activities for the day
6:50 am - Check email/social media/YouTube
7:10 am - Coffee and getting clothes out for work
7:30 am - Shower/Brush Teeth
7:50 am - Get Ready for work
8:20 am - Walk out the door to head out to work
8:30 am - Grab breakfast
8:45 am - Arrive to work
9:00 am - Work begins
12:30 pm - Lunch break
(Sometimes I would go home and do some house chores while on lunch to get them done.)
1:30 pm - Return back to work
(normally during this time of the day, I am thinking about dinner; if I haven’t already decided on dinner.)
4:00 pm - Off work
4:10 pm - Arrive home (If I don‘t have to go by a store.)
4:15 pm - UNPLUG (this is time where I go in my bedroom and crawl in the bed to unwind.)
4:45 pm - I start cooking dinner
5:30 pm - Log on to class (online class where my computer can be in the kitchen with me.)
7:30 pm - Class is over and time for dinner
9:00 pm - Relaxing from the day
9:25 pm - Brushing teeth and preparing for bed
9:40 pm - Bed time (FINALLY)!
Now, this line up is on a normal day. There are some days where I am all over the place and things may not go as planned. But hey, who life does??? 4 days out of a week, this is a normal day for me. Also, my husband has been stepping up to the plate in the kitchen BIG TIME. So that also helps with me having a little down time.
I have 3 classes that I have to finish up With this semester. They are online classes and I have until the following Sunday at 11:59 pm to turn in the assignments. However, I still have the time blocked off during the week to do my school work or the week.
There are some things that I am going to incorporate in my habit tracking for the week to help organize things a little better in preparing for my day. Things like: getting my outfits out for the week, prepare my breakfast and lunch for the week, complete my to-do list to get ahead in the week. I think these things will help me, a lot.
There you have it. This is my “day in my life” line up.
What does your day to day life looks like?
