Since the death of Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gigi, the hashtag “#girldad” has been floating around social media. It’s a beautiful thing to see the positive posts about girls and their dads and to pay tribute to the Bryant family. It is a true saying that girls need their dads in their lives.
But, to the ones that have never experience the #girldad relationship, it hit a soft spot in the heart. I am that one. Now, I know my dad and have talked to my dad. We have a relationship now. The way the relationship came to life is weird. I have my husband to thank for getting us together. But, the bond thing has never been there. I had an uncle that was like a dad to me between he established his own family and things changed. Yes, I come from a single-parent household. Kudos to my mom for holding things down in life to keep it going for me and my siblings. It wasn't easy and I saw the many days she cried and worked hard just so we could have. And, by no means, this post is to discredit her because it's not.
I never got to experience the “dad dates” or the conversations/seeing of how a woman is supposed to be treated by a man. It was all learned through experience and a lot of lessons learned. Does it bother me at times? YES! It has always been a thing for me to just have a conversation with my dad or just be able to hang out with him. But, I didn’t get that. I have had so many of my friends talk about things they did with their dads while growing up or even the father-daughter dance at my wedding. I didn’t get to experience that.
Guess what? It’s okay. I have made it this far and I will keep on making it. I have a great father in law that is just absolutely great and loving. He has shown that you can talk to him and not feel guilty about talking to or even taking his advice. I also have other “males” in my life that I can go to and talk to and feel comfortable with them. But, you know, there is nothing like having that “dad” feeling.
It’s just a dark and sore area in my life that I have to live with daily. There are times that I wonder what if this and what if that. My biological dad is living and he is in a situation currently where we are limited to each other. But, I know there will be a day where we won’t be limited and maybe just maybe, I can officially have that one on one #girldad conversation and relationship with him.
I don’t hate my mom. I don’t hate the situation. Things happen and I understand that. When I became a mom, my son experienced the single-parent household living. It only lasted for 8 years of his life and then that’s when my husband, who was my boyfriend at the time, came into the picture and life changed for the better. The bond they have is like no other and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
To my fellow sisters out there that’s in the same or similar situation as me, continue to stand strong and know that you are loved. We have made it this far and we will continue to make it.

Thank you for sharing! Though our situations are slightly different, your story is so relatable. Though I grew up with my dad in my life, he and my mom had a very toxic off and on relationship and our #girldad bond was never there...However my stepfather and I have a very close relationship and since becoming an adult I have began to mend the relationship with my biological father. ❤️