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    A Recap to My Weekend!

    Writer's picture: La Costa GastonLa Costa Gaston

    Hello, everybody! It's been quite the adventure this month. But I think I have things under control now. I think (winks left eye). So here's a brief recap of my wild and busy weekend!

    Let's start with Friday. First of all, I was off work. That's a biggie. It opened my schedule up to get things done and relax. Did I relax? Of course not. But I did get things done? Why YES, I did! I wouldn't have it no other way!

    Morning - I went to Sam's Club to pick up some things that I need for my sorority. Then I made 3 more stops before afternoon hit; Wal-Mart (you know I had to go in there), Party City, and Happy Z Outlet (local jewelry store).

    Afternoon - I go home only for a very short period of time and I had to go over to the local community center that my sorority was preparing to use for an event on Saturday. I get there. I help set up. I sit down for about 10 minutes and I tell everyone bye and that I will see them tomorrow.

    Disclaimer #1: In doing all of this ripping and running around Jefferson County, I had to keep in mind that I had plans with my husband later in the evening.

    Evening - I finally get back home and let my husband know that I am all his. Like he already didn't know that but, I was looking forward to our evening. And guess what we did? We went to the nail salon that I go to and got family pedicures and I had to get a fill-in done. Our son, dad, and I all got pedicures done. It was nice to sit back and the family get pampered. This was our son's first one. He laughed so hard because he said it tickled. lol :-)

    Disclaimer #2: Pay no attention to the way I look in this pic. Keep in mind, I had a busy day lolololol

    After the pamper session, we went to grab dinner at Chic-fil-a. You know, I can eat them everyday. They are so courteous with their service and my food is ALWAYS YUMMY!!

    Saturday morning & afternoon - I get up to prepare for my radio time. This job is so much fun and I learn a lot from it. You should check us out on Ladies First with Eyrika Parker! I also had to load my car because I had a Kingdom night Celebration to attend for my chapter. It was AWESOME! So proud of the new ladies that crossed the holy sands of Theta Phi Sigma Christian Sorority, Inc. I also got to see my beautiful Founder!! Whoop whoop!

    Saturday evening - Now it was time for me to transform from my Vice-President mode to wife mode. The hubby wanted a date. The hubby got a date. But I was soooooo doggone tired. I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I got up the energy to refresh myself and get dressed for him. We ended up coordinating in colors and didn't plan on it. We had a great dinner at the first place we went on a date at; Cheesecake Factory (it's my favorite).

    Sunday morning - Yes, my weekend is still going. I didn't go to early church service with hubby and son but I did go to my mid-morning service at my church. I had to lead a song that I was soooooo nervous about. God was lifted and praised in the midst, so I was good!

    Sunday afternoon - Our (hubby and I) God-daughter was graduating from K-4 and we did not want to miss that! She was happy to see us and we were happy to see her. Very proud moment. I took pics but out of respect to the mother, I won't post any. But she did very well on her speaking part and behaving like a big girl.

    Sunday night (finally) - Sips N Stroke with my SORORS!! The new young ladies wanted to hang out and have fun. Hubby suggested me going to free my mind and have fun and that's exactly what I did. I didn't sip (for publicity purposes) but I surely did paint and I'm pleased with my work!

    And there you have it! So as you see, I had a very fun filled and busy weekend. I don't think I would take any thing out nor add anything to it.



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