So as we wind down the last few days of 2021, it is on EVERYBODY'S goals list to begin working out, again. Yes, I said everybody because I'm jumping back on the bandwagon too. That would mean, that we are all on the level of beginners. Your mind might be saying to jump all the way back in. But your body will let you know, very quickly, that you need to take it very slow home girl.
We all know that the simplest exercise that you can do is, WALK, for at least 30 minutes a day. This is true. But there are also some other "beginner" workout ideas that you can incorporate in your workout.
Here are my list of ideas that will help you in your beginner workout:
1) YouTube workout videos.
There are many channels out there that will help you with your beginning process. I enjoy the videos by Growwithjo. You will be amazed at what you can get done in 20 minutes with her videos.
2) Purchase equipment for home.
If you are not ready to be around that many people (because Auntie Rona is still here and won't go on somewhere), you can purchase some things to do an easy workout at home. Dumbbells, treadmill, jump rope, yoga mat, etc.
3) Go at a safe pace to not over do it.
Hunny, you don't have to go full force every time you work out. If you start to feel a cramp, or out of breath, or your head spinning, or out of breath, or your legs getting weak, or out of breath, stop exercising and take a break. Yes, I know I said out of breath 3 times. I wanted to make sure you understood what I was saying,
4) Walk in a safe area.
Put on those running/walking sneakers, and get outside and walk. If you don't live near a park or a walking trail, walk up and down your street. Ask a neighbor if they would like to join you.
5) Schedule the right time to exercise.
If you are an early riser, maybe add on an additional 30 minutes to get your workout done before your day really starts. Or, if you know that you are not a morning person, but the evening is better for you, go for it. It is very important to put some type of exercising on your daily schedule.
6) Drink your water.
That's it. That's the next one. Seriously, we must all stay hydrated. Especially while working out.
Remember, you don't have to do a lot to get started, you just have to start.
How are you going to incorporate fitness in your life style in 2022?
