Today is National #CleanOutYourComputer Day! As a blogger, I think all bloggers need to do this. Or just people in general that work with a computer on a regular basis. So, hmmmm let’s see. Clean out your computer day. This is a fantastic way to start your work week off productively and make room for what you have for the week. You know over time, if you don’t use the files and programs on your PC, it can clog up your memory and cause problems trying to retrieve and use other data. I’m sure many of us has had this problem, it can also slow down your PC.

So here are a few tips on how to clean out your PC.
1) Organize your files and folders.
2) Delete any and all files and programs that you don’t need.
3) Delete duplicate files.
If you have a USB Flash Drive or two, use that to transfer the files and programs to that. You can put those on a key chain or in your desk drawer and when you need to get to a file, just remember the drive you put it on.
And, I’m off to cleaning out my computer! This is so needed!
