Need some help on writing your blog posts or journal inserts? Check out this writing prompts for the month of December.

1) New Month. New Goals. What are your goals for this month?
2) The holidays are upon us. How do you feel about them?
3) Do you budget for the holidays?
4) National Cookie day. What’s your favorite cookie?
5) What is your favorite holiday tradition?
6) What is your favorite decoration?
7) Are there any parts of the holiday season that are difficult for you?
8) What is your favorite memory of snow?
9) What holiday does you and your family celebrate during the winter season?
10) December is a month of giving. How do you give back?
11) Do you still believe in Santa Claus?
12) Do you allow your children to believe in Santa Claus? If so, why? If not, why?
13) What is the best gift you have ever received on Christmas?
14) How do you balance your gift giving list?
15) Do you allow yourself to indulge into all of the holiday shopping process?
16) Do you believe in creating your own holiday tradition(s) with your immediate family?
17) If you could write a letter to Santa Claus right now, what would it say?
18) Tell us about your favorite 5 holiday movies.
19) What are your favorite 5 holiday songs?
20) December is “Write a friend a letter” month. What friend would you write to and what would the letter say?
21) Today is the first day of Winter. Tell us about your favorite winter memory.
22) Have you ever built and decorated a gingerbread house?
23) Have you been naughty or nice this year?
24) The bustle of the holiday season is almost over. How did you handle it?
25) Merry Christmas. Tell us what would make the perfect Christmas.
26) Now that Christmas is gone, how do you prepare for the New Year?
27) Do you believe in New Year’s Resolutions?
28) Do you believe in the traditional foods that are cooked and served on New Year’s Day? If so, what are you cooking?
29) What has the year 2019 taught you?
30) If you could change one thing about your 2019, what would it be and why?
31) The last day of 2019. What have you accomplished this year/month?
