So, the end of the first quarter of 2022, is coming to an end. It went by at a steady pace to me. There were many beginnings and pauses (not ends) in this quarter. For me, the first quarter was a learning curve ball. There were many good days and there were some bad days. There were even some days where I wanted to throw in the towel completely and say THE HELL WITH IT!
But I didn't.
I took a couple of days to regroup and got back on track. Sometimes, you just have to do that. If you feel uneasy, take a break, breathe, and pick up where you left off at. I have been told that you don't change the goal, you change the plan to help achieve that goal.
This is how my first quarter went:
1) I started back in my jewelry business and within my last two Facebook lives, I have sold over $700 worth of jewelry.
2) I implemented a self-care day weekly for myself.
3) I have gotten comfortable with my planning style and set-up.
4) I am really enjoying sharing my affirmations with myself and others.
5) I started another YouTube channel for my planning lifestyle.
6) I started budgeting and focusing on my finances more and responsibly.
7) I learned how to separate personal and business, no matter how the other person feels.
8) My boundaries are now important to me to have and I share them so people will know where I stand.
9) I achieved my savings goal for the first quarter of the year.
1) I got depressed because my other YouTube channel wasn't growing.
2) My numbers went down in my Etsy sales for stationary for two weeks straight.
3) I missed two BIG business meetings with some important people because I did not put it on my calendar.
4) Some people that I thought were in my corner, turned out to only be there for their benefit.
5) I said "yes" to too many that drove me mentally crazy.
1) I starter physical therapy for my right know that hurts real bad.
So overall, I would say I had an interesting first quarter. Going into the second quarter, I am more prepared (mentally and physically) for the challenges ahead. Actually, I am looking forward to it because I have made some notes and put certain things in place for deadlines during that time frame of the year. I know now how to pace myself and not go at a speed to compare self to others but compare self to self.
Off to the second quarter of 2022 I go!
How did your first quarter of the year go? Did you achieve any goals? Did you throw in the towel? Did you adjust?

I'm proud of you for making forward, purposeful movements towards your goals. The bumps in the road don't matter as long as you are intentional in the fact that you won't stop. Here's 🥂 to a stellar second quarter!
Tamika B