Well, Happy New Year people! Since our last conversation, I took me a little vacation and enjoyed some time off from a lot of things. It was enjoyable and I got a chance to clear my head. It was also good to take some time off from work to spend with my family during the holidays. I officially went back to work today and I've been off since December 21, 2018.

So, 2019 is here. 2018 went by so fast. There was so much that happen last year n my life. I chose a color that was so refreshing and enjoyable, I think I am going to keep it for this year as well. That color is turquoise. According to Bourncreative.com, the meaning of the color turquoise is associated with meanings of refreshing, feminine, calming, sophisticated, energy, wisdom, serenity, wholeness, creativity, emotional balance, good luck, spiritual grounding, friendship, love, joy, tranquility, patience, intuition, and loyalty. Now, see why I chose that color. I think I fit a lot of those categories. So you might see that color throughout a lot of my blog posts.
I have completed my planner vision board and added it in my goal planner. It was fun doing it and I was inspired by many on Instagram, so I decided to do one. It turned out GREAT! I focused on things that I desire to do for myself and only for me.

I have also started the goal of reading 12 books for the year again. I didn't achieve that goal in 2018, but I'm definitely going to go for it again in 2019. I am mainly going for books that are inspirational and encouraging. The first book I have started with is "100 Days to Brave" by Annie F. Downs. I am looking forward to this 100 day challenge.

I have got to stop telling myself that I can't do things and say I can. I become my biggest critic and self-doubter. This is the year that I am going to go forward and active my faith in full effect. I just have to stay focus!
So here's to 2019, as I hold up my glass to toast to, may you be my best year yet!
