Some people may think that if you are changing something that it's easy. Changing out a light bulb is easy. Changing a flat tire is easy. Changing your hair is easy. Changing an outfit is easy. But what about changing yourself for the better? That's something I definitely NEED to do and let me just be the first to say if you've never heard it before, it's not easy. Sure, it's ok to constantly write down this and that and post it everywhere. But are you putting action towards it? Are you making the necessary efforts to change that you are writing about?
Wait, since this is my most, let me change this up. Am I putting actions towards it? Am I making the necessary efforts to change on what I write about daily.
Words mean a lot. But they are basically words if there is no action put with them. The saying goes "a goal without a plan is just a wish". Yep, that's it; it's just a wish. But what do you need to do to stop wishing? What do I need to start doing to put my words into action?
1) I need to be real with myself. I have to stop writing and doing things because others are doing it and do what I want, when I want, how I want, and where I want. I need to stop allowing others to control my thinking as if I am a puppet and they are the master. That's exactly what goes on.
2) Stop doubting myself. I am biggest critic. I can shoot something down so quick, I don't even remember what it was any more. It has vanished. I can't blame others for telling me I can't do something if I have beat them to the game. And, it only takes affect when they say it and not me. Then I want to say they were rude and mean. Nope, nope, nope. I need to start believing in myself more.
3) Think positive. Yes, I am guilty of seeing things in a negative way. Well, let me say that it's not necessarily negative but it's always a different point of view with me and people think that it's negative. I just need to turn on my sun rays and see the bright side to things.
4) Stop procrastinating. Boy OH Boy!!! This one is heavy. I will put off things until the last minute and I'M A PLANNER BABE!! I know, I know, that is something that you will not see in me. But it is there!! It sucks. Now, let me tell you want I am procrastinating on...ME! Yep, things I want to do and places I want to go, I will push it off until the very last minute, and then I'm all over the place.
And 5) I need to start creating a life that I love and enjoy. If I want to do something, even if I have to do it alone, then I want to do it. Waiting on someone to do it with me can take forever and goes who's missing out on it, yep, ME!
So many people come up and tell me that I am a great person, I'm always smiling (which I am), I'm always helpful, and so many more momentous things and I appreciate it. But, sometimes it doesn't make it to the inside. Why? Because I have beat myself up so much that there is a thick wall of guilt and doubt that has develop that I am scared to let it in. I want change. I need change. I feel like sometimes maybe I am blocking myself from the change that I want to be. They say that the first way to realizing you have a problem is to admit it right? Well, I am admitting it. I write the affirmations. I write in my journal daily. I blog. I do this, and I do that. And, I still don’t feel like I am changing for the better.
So, I am starting today to make the realistic goal of becoming the change that I want and need in my life. Whoever is going to stay along the way, great. Whoever falls off, great. That means between them both, it was meant to be.
Stay tuned. I’m positive and telling myself that it’s going to get better from here!