I'm sure some of you have seen my obsession I have with planners, stickers, pens, and all that other good stuff that goes with that. Planning is something that I can't live without. I mean, I have to plan out everything. And, it's nothing wrong with it. I combine my passion with planning and being a girl and there you have it!
I first got introduced to the Happy Planner through Pinterest and it struck an interest. Also, being a blogger, I noticed other bloggers mentioning planners. Now there are others out there but I think I am happy with the Happy Planner because it gives me a little bit more freedom to do what I want with mine and add/subtract as I go. Now, in having these planners, I noticed some cute little stickers and certain pens being used. And, then it got better when I saw the washi tape. I mean, this is fun and I enjoy it.
I am in a couple of planner groups and I learn a lot. I follow several on IG and I even created my own IG page for planning stuff. I enjoy doing it. I get to create my schedule to make it look girlie, in which I am, and just have fun. I love the ideas that I see from other planners. The #Plannercommunity is bigger than I thought but it's a great community to be in. You know, it's almost like we are all sisters (from different cultures) that enjoy doing the same thing. And, I like it...a lot!
Planners, journals, and stickers...OH MY!!!
(whispers...this is not even half of my collection. Yeah, I got it kind of bad; lol!!)
