Intentional - adjective - done on purpose; deliberate.
For the last few years, I have chosen a "word of the year" and I can say it has helped me, a lot. It has been beneficial in my doing and my thinking. Since I am an adult, the way I do things and how I think (and react) speaks on who I am inside and out. As a Blogger, I have met many other Bloggers and Social Media Influencers (and Life Coaches and Mentors) that have stressed the fact of having a word of the year.
For 2023, my word of the year is INTENTIONAL. I am at a level in my life of where things definitely have to have reason and work for my good. Intentional means done on purpose. I have done so much and at one point I thought that this particular thing doesn't have any meaning and I didn't do that on purpose. I just did it and I don't want to continue on like that. So I thought and thought on what my word was going to be. And, honestly, I can't even remember what my 2022 word of the year was because in August, my life made a total shift and everything was just put to the side and I had to live life as it came. Y'all, I do NOT want to continue on like that.
There are 5 main areas that I want to really focus on with my word. Personal. Career. Faith. Financial. Business. Now, I am in career right now (teaching). However comma if things change where I can quit my career down the road, and become an influencer full time, then I will follow the plan that God has for me in that area. I have wrote out the "intentional" things that I want work on and achieve in 2023, in my planner.
I have not put a date by them of when I want to complete it. I do know that as of today, I have 354 more days left in 2023, if God grants me the opportunity to see them all. That's another thing that I am going to do, stop putting so much pressure on myself to do things. I am just going to let it flow.
I am now ready to do the things intentionally and feel great about it. Here's to a great and positive 2023, ON PURPOSE!
Have you chosen a word for 2023? If not, have you thought about choosing a word for the year?

