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Normally, this would be a Monday type post since that does begin my week. But, I had a very interesting day and when I got home from work, I made dinner (chicken salad) and went to bed. My mind wasn't even right for me to try to stay up to do anything productive. I wasn't upset with myself because I listened to my body. I would just do this and do that until I am overwhelmed with tiredness. Well, this time, I made a great decision.
So here are my goals for the week of July 14th thru July 19th.
Goal #1:
Continue to drink more water.
For me, this is not an easy task. I have to do reminders so I can drink water. Is that sad? No. At least I'm drinking it.
Goal #2:
Wake up early and have my ME TIME!
I love to sit on the porch and catch that morning dew and breeze. It's so relaxing. Now, don't get me wrong, my body wants to stay in the bed until the last minute to get up to prepare for work. But, this is my alone time before I get started with my day so I make sure I have it.
Goal #3:
Think of myself.
I have a big problem with putting others before myself. I seek out to make sure that others are okay and don't even worry about myself. Well, I'm learning to think of myself first and what I would like to do, when I want to do it, how I want to do it, and why I want to do it.
Goal 4:
Do some type of Self Care activity this week.
As I mentioned in goal #3, I need to think of myself. So this week I am determined to do some type of self care for myself. Even if its a 20 minute massage at the local mall, I'm going to do it.
Goal #5:
Believe in myself.
I am my biggest critic. I will sit and think about things that I want to do or currently doing. Then I would start preparing myself to do them and then BAM, I don't do it. I come up with every excuse in the book to block my own self of doing things that will get me to that next level. I have got to stop doing that.
Goal #6:
Start recording "a" podcast episode.
I have been wanting to do a podcast for a while. I have been researching and researching and buying the equipment to begin doing it. But guess what I did? Yep, you guessed it, I doubted myself. Well, until one day I was driving home from work and I downloaded the app (Anchor) and I did a trial episode, music and all. Now, I'm going to go forward and start recording some episodes.
As you see, these are personal goals. They are big to me. When I complete these, then I can move to the next level. I am writing in my journal to remind me of these goals because I just want to get out of this rut of a lifestyle. So, I have to get back on my game and DO IT!!
I have also re-joined the blogging group that I was once in. I had to leave to get some finances organized and get some things in order. See Jane Write Birmingham is a great organization for all who loves to write and explore. Javacia, is the Founder and also my blogging! But, I'm so glad that I'm back in. I'm looking forward to getting better and growing in my blogging career as the days come.
Well, I'm off to achieve my goals for the week!