#GoalPlanning week of July 21st thru July 27th.

Okay, this is actually going to be posted on a Monday. That's a GOAL!! Cheers to me. See, I have to celebrate myself and not wait on others to do it.
Why am I letting people inside of my goal world? Well, there are a couple of reasons.
1) It makes me accountable.
2) It helps me remember my goals.
3) I want to show my community that achieving goals need to be realistic and they can be achieved.
Results from last week goals:
I did drink water every single day. It was not as bad as I thought it was. So that goal continues for this week also.
I did wake up early. This process is to have alone time for myself and get my mind right for the day. It helped sooooooo much.
No self-care activity. So that rolls over to this week.
Did not record a podcast episode. But I did write down in a notebook some topics that I want to talk about in my podcast.
So as you see, I'm off to a great start. Let's keep this going.
Goal #1:
Continue to drink water.
I did so well last week, I must keep this going.
Goal #2:
Do not rush for anything.
I have a problem with some times getting ready at the very last minute and have to end up rushing out the house to leave for work, the store, church, where ever.
Goal #3:
Take a day for myself.
Yeah this week I have a busy week ahead of me. I don't want to load so much on myself as I have done before and ending up crashing. So, I have a free day this Thursday so I am going to leave that as my relaxing day and do nothing. Well, besides go to work. You know the normal stuff.
Goal #4:
Start back using my Social Media planner.
Yes, I have a social media planner and I need to start back using it. I have had it for 7 months now and I've only gone by the schedule for 1 month. Did it keep me on track? Heck yeah. Why did I stop using it? I have the slightest clue and that's the honest truth. So, I will pick it back up and start where I left off at.
So that's it folks! Not going to push it to the max this week. I'm ready to tackle this week! Let's get it!
