Some people would think that having a routine is just a crazy idea. But it’s not. Having a routine, especially in the morning time can help you in so many ways. It has taken me a while to create the right morning routine for myself but I think the one that I created is working bout just fine. Even if I find myself working from home, I still make sure I do my morning routine.
Oh, and yeah, I have a reminder card in my Catch-All planner to remind me every day of my routines (yes, I have both a morning and evening routine).

Morning Routine
Wake up early (at least 30 minutes before 6:00 am)
Morning Meditation/Scripture
Drink a full glass of water
Exercise (at least for 30 minutes)
Eat Breakfast
Get ready for work
Listen to something inspiring/motivating
Leave home for work no later than 7:50 am
In my morning routine, noticed I didn’t add anything in there relating to social media or checking emails. Being a blogger/influencer, I consider that as work. So, I prefer to check those items during my work hours. I even stopped checking them on my drive to work.
I heard on a podcast that “it takes 60 days for your mind to become familiar with a routine” and that’s paraphrasing. So if I continue to do my morning routine, then it will become a normal habit for me.
Do you have a morning routine?
