A few years ago, I purchased me the original Cricut cutting machine. You know the small one that you had to insert the cartridges in. Now, those cartridges were not CHEAP, but I did create a lot of things with that machine. I was in HEAVEN!!!
Due to some financial hard-aches, I had to sell it. The young lady that I sold it to was nice and she understood why I was doing it. I told her that she would enjoy it and create some wonderful things with it. She was a stay at home mom/wife, with 3 boys. She wanted to start getting into the crafting and blogging world. Hey girl, hey!! That's what I do! But that's another story for another day. Back to my new toy.
So it had been a while since I was able to purchase one. I'm the type of person that I want my bills paid and everything handle before I even go out and make the smallest purchase for myself. But this time, it was a little different. All bills are paid for this month and next month (and it feels good to be a month ahead) and it was okay to do a little shopping.
So, I went on over to the Hobby Lobby store in Hoover and just browsed the store. Now, it was not in my original plans to go to that store. Something in my spirit told me to go and I went and BAM!!! I will also have to tell you all how when the spirit of God speaks to me about going or doing something, how it turns out to be for my good, in another post.
So, I checked out a few items and it hit me, go and check out the Cricut machines. Now it was not my plans to purchase one. I saw many cutting machines and then I saw the Cricut Explore One. The best part of this was IT WAS CLEARANCE!! And then the angels of heaven starting singing "hallelujah hallelujah"! I grabbed that along with some vinyl paper rolls and the utensils to use and I just couldn't wait to get home.

I got home. I organized my office to give this baby a new area to sit in and I got to crafting (that may not have been correct grammar but hey, you get the idea). Good thing about this one is that I can create designs from my computer!! Oh, how happy I am!
My first project was my personalized cup!

I love glitter and my color this year is turquoise. Put those two together and BAM!!!
Stay tuned for more exciting crafts that I will be doing on my new toy!!
