Lately, I have been feeling like I am stuck in a rut and I can't get out. It feels like sometimes I am doing the same thing over and over and over again and I can't get out of it. A few weeks ago, I was so super busy I felt like it was never going to end. I also felt like I didn't have any meaning in life. Yes, I know the person that is involved in so much and always so busy felt like she was nothing. It can happen people. I just need it to stop.
I have had a few days to rethink my life, where I'm going, where I want to go, what I'm doing (including my career), and I think it is time for me to sit down and reset my mind. I am a planner and a person that have goals. So as I sit at my desk and type this post, I am also writing down a few things on how to reset my mind to better my life.

1) Get back in a normal routine.
Now, this may sound crazy but I need to get in a normal routine that is beneficial and not leading me to a brick wall. From the time I wake up until the time I go to bed, it has to be beneficial. I don't want to feel lazy and worn out all the time.
2) Exercise more.
Yes, I am guilty in saying that I am going to exercise "more" and keep up a routine but guess what, I really don't. I start it and then that lazy moment hits me and I stop. Well, even if it's just a 30 minute walk, I have to do it. Yep, I have to stop procrastinating!
3) Get more in the Word of God.
I carry a faith planner but you know how you just have those things just to have them, yep that's it! I am not a Bible expert but I do need to get more in the Word. I don't play about my faith nor ministry work.
4) Stay true to myself.
I am my biggest and worst critic. I sometimes get hyped with doing something and then when it comes down to it, I kind of shy away from doing it. Doubt comes in my mind and sometimes I fall into a depression stage of mind. There are also things that I want to buy and have and I never get them. But, that stops right now and I have got to stop doubting myself. I can do this! I will have this!
5) Getting more sleep.
Yeah, I don't go to bed when I'm supposed to but hey who does. I even have my phone set to a "bedtime" alert at 9:30 pm and to wake up at 5:30. Yeah, neither one of those work for me. Lol but it's true. But I have to make myself go to bed on time and getting the correct amount of hours to sleep and help my body out. What's the saying: I'm not getting any younger and my bones know it.
6) Journaling
I used to keep a daily journal and write down EVERYTHING! I do mean EVERYTHING! I have not wrote in my journal for at least 5 months. Can you believe it? I can't I have so many notebooks all I have to do is grab one, open it, and start writing. I'm going to start back writing in my journal, DAILY. It helps me release a lot of mixed emotions.
7) Declutter my work space
I sit at two desks 5 days a week; home and work. That means I have a lot of "things" at both of my work stations. Some I used regularly and some that has just been there for a while that I no longer have use for. I need to get rid of the unnecessary and keep the necessary. Nothing better than a clean work space with space.
These are my tips on how I'm going to reset my mind and get back on track. I would love to hear how you are going to reset your mind. Leave a comment with tips on how you reset!
