At one point in my life, I did not say the word no to anyone. I didn't care if I didn't like it or even if I triple booked myself, I just didn't say no. To me, the word no was a bad word to say and no one would like you if you said it. I went on for years thinking that and it stabbed me and tore me up in so many ways. Sometimes, I would even allow my heart to be involved and it would get crushed faster than an semi truck running over garbage in the road.
But, as time went on, I was starting to get more no's than expected from people and it seemed like it didn't bother them. They went on about their merry little lives and I was stuck in trying to figure out why I was told no but I was always there for them. So one day, I had a free day on my calendar, which is something that I don't have often, so I said that I am going to search deep down and do what I wanted to do that day. I chose to blog and go to a few shops and pick up some things. Nothing major, just light and easy. I started to think about how many times people have told me no and they didn't care how I feel and I was so the opposite. Well, I started to think what would happen if I started to say no.
So, I tried it and I thought to myself that everything was going to stop. Guess what? IT DIDN'T!! I kept breathing and things were just as regular as ever.
After so long, I started using the word in things that I didn't want to go to and things that I didn't want to be involved in. I'm not going to say I didn't care about how the other person felt, but I took self into more consideration about it than I have in the past. It just made me start valuing my time more often and that was something that I NEVER did! I don't go nor do as much as I used to because I realize that I have to take care of myself and if I don't want to do it, I don't have to.
I don't have to lie about anything. I don't have to explain myself in why I don't want to do it. I don't have to feel bad about saying no. I definitely don't have to come up with a ridiculous excuse as to why I don't want to do something. The word is no and I'm sticking with that.
So, saying no is not bad and life goes on! :-)
