I decided to use the month of September as my "self-care" month. It's nothing that I'm doing fancy but I just wanted to take time out and take care of myself. I am a wife, a mother, a full time employee during the day, a blogger/planner at night, a choir directress (I have many rehearsals during the week), a sorority girl (where I currently serve as VP in my chapter), a friend, a small business owner, and so much more. It takes up a lot of my time and sometimes I just forget to do something I like.
So, I said in September, it's going to be all about me. I'm not going to overwhelm myself with doing things for others and I don't get the same in return. I am also going to go shopping and do nothing on certain days. So far, I have kept my world to myself and it's been great.

At the beginning of the month, I died my hair color to a dark red/brown color (getting ready for fall). I love the color from my hairstylist. It makes me feel so adultish like...yes, I made that word up. Recently, I went shopping and bought me two purses and some clothing. Also, I got a deep tissue massage that felt oooohhhh so good. There have also been evenings where I just didn't do anything but go home after work and relaxed. That's probably why you have heard from me in a while. Sorry *shrugs shoulders*.
It's just a good feeling and I am going to take more time to do this more often. I can't continue to put so much wear and tear on my body for others and I'm wore out for myself. Now, I take care of my home and my family. But the others, yeah, they are no longer important to me.
Well, I'm off continuing to take care of myself!!
