So, I know I'm not the only one that have a hard time breaking bad habits. Good habits, either. We all have them. We all get tired of doing them. We all have told ourselves over and over again that I am going to stop doing this and that. But later on, we find ourselves still doing it and asking ourselves when am I going to learn.
I am going to stop drinking sodas. I am going to stop being so mean to people. I am going to eat better. I am going to get up earlier.
The list can go on and on, but you pretty much get the point. You know as we get older in life, we kind of get tired of doing the things that we used to do that probably brought some type of excitement but not so much anymore. Yeah, I think it’s time to get rid of the bad habits. Now, there are good and bad habits. The difference between them are good habits can make our lives grow and mean some good. The bad habits become overwhelming and you don’t see any growth from it. Those are the habits that you need to get rid of.

First, you need to make out a list of habits, both good and bad, and figure out which ones you want to get rid of and/or the ones you want to change.
Second, you will need to have a good reason of why you want to either get rid of or change that habit. You can’t just say, I want to stop eating sweets, for a few days but you instantly get a craving for a slice of chocolate cake and you bake one and enjoy it. If you are going to stop eating sweets, when you get that craving, find something else to eat or do in place of that sweet. Grab a piece of fruit or write in a journal how you are not falling into temptation.
Third, keep a track of how you are breaking or changing the habit. Write it all down in your journal and keep it right next to you at all times. Going back and reading how you have taken the proper steps to break or change these habits is a great way to a better life.
Fourth, make a note of what triggers these habits. If you constantly go back to the habits and you are trying to get away from them, you need to make note of what triggers it and stay away. That can include people. Don’t alter your better being to accommodate their regular life style.
Fifth, this is not going to go away overnight. Stick with it! Don’t give up on yourself. You can do this. If you have to make little notes in areas that you are going to be in to remind you, then do it. Don’t get discourage. The outcome will be greater.
Sixth, reward yourself. Hey, just like with the kids. You reward them if they do something good right? Well, you are doing something good and you deserve a reward. Treat yourself to something nice but make sure it’s not going to send you back to that habit that you are trying to change and/or get rid of.
Are there any habits that you would like to get rid of or change? Leave a comment and let me know!
