Man, can you believe that in a few weeks we will be saying "Happy New Year" for 2022? Time is waiting on no one. So you better get with it, so you won't have to say you didn't get a chance to.
November is here and as I have mentioned in the past, this month has always been a hard month for me. I have had so many close family members to transitioned and they have all died around the Thanksgiving holiday. It hurts but man, this month has really taken a toll on my through the years.
But I am going to do something different this year. I mean if 2020 wasn't difficult, I honestly don't know what was. This year, I am going to think positive and not allow the feel of "grief" take over. This is not saying I'm not going to think about them. This is saying that I'm going to make the best of their memories and spirit and go on with my life. I know they would not want me to continue to mourn their death but be happy and go on with life.
There are just a few things that I want to do this month:
November Goals
1) Declutter my closet and jewelry collection
2) Schedule a spa day at Ross Bridge
3) Release my planner shop
4) Re-do bathroom
5) Think positive more
I also have a few more weeks left in the Fall semester for school. This has been an interesting and challenging semester. But I am hanging in there and I am very proud of myself.
I want to say Happy November to you and your family. I am looking forward to having a great month and a great remaining 2021. It is the season of being thankful and I am thankful for everything, including you.

